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E-Cloth is Essential, Effective, Chemical-Free, and Sustainable

You know the old-school cleaning drill: Cleaning supplies loaded with artificial fragrances, some with harsh chemicals, the plastic bottles they’re stored in, paper towels (lots of them!), and grungy old rags. Add in a few thousand disposable wipes and you can practically hear the environment groan.

E-Cloth allows you to ditch all of that. No more paper towels, plastic bottles, old rags, or chemicals. Think about that! Just E-Cloth and water. Ahhh. Clean home, clean earth. And, when you’re done cleaning, rinse out your cloth, or throw it in the wash if needed, and it will be ready to go the next time you need it. The next 299 times you need it, actually, because most E-Cloth products generally last for around 300 washes.

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